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Description : Canon LBP5960The imageRUNNER LBP Series produces output of unparalleled quality, regardless of the document. Users can print remarkably sharp and impactful presentations, architectural renderings, engineering diagrams or general office documents at high speed. The Color imageRUNNER LBP5960 utilizes an innovative compact 4-in-1 laser beam unit that reaches true 1200 dpi output* in super fine mode for enhanced image clarity and gradients, or fine mode for precise output at 600 dpi.
source : canon supportCanon LBP5960 Driver Windows
Canon LBP5960 Driver Mac
Download Canon LBP5960 printer driver MAC OS X 10.9 | |
Download Canon LBP5960 printer driver Mac OS X 10.8 | |
Download Canon LBP5960 printer driver Mac OS X 10.7 |