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Description : Canon LBP5970Canon LBP5970 Laser Printer is designed to print crisp and clear black and white and colour documents in professional quality using electrophotographic printing. This printer can easily print 32 pages per minute for black & white and 30 pages per minute for colour on A4 paper. It delivers sharp and clear texts, graphics at a resolution of 9600 dpi. With its quick warm-up time, this printer can print the first page in less than 9 seconds in colour.
source : canon supportCanon LBP5970 Driver Windows
Canon LBP5970 Driver Mac
Download Canon LBP5970 printer driver MAC OS X 10.9 | |
Download Canon LBP5970 printer driver Mac OS X 10.8 | |
Download Canon LBP5970 printer driver Mac OS X 10.7 |